Sub Categories
Aaron & Louis Fletcher
Aaron & Louis Fletcher: 7th Armoured Brigade
Bill Smith: NYPD ESU
Blue Angels: Rich
Brian: Special Ops Sergeant
C.I.D. Wai
Cheong: Alpha Team Member
Chris SAS
Cody: Special Ops
Colin: SAS Recon
Cyber Hobby: Kevin Yates US Special Forces Operato
Danger Girl: Abbey Chase
Daniel: Hit Team
Darryl Young: Racer
Dave Wilson: Falklands War
David Wong: San Francisco Sheriff SRT
Dean: US Army Special Forces
Dennis: US E.O.D. Unit
Detective Chow
Dhak Gurung: Falklands War
Don: Hit Team v1
Don: Hit Team v2 (Metal Mask)
Eddy: Airport Security Unit
Evan: SAS Sniper
Female: Hit Team
Fernando: M240 Gunner
Flip: MOPP
Gil: F/A-18 Fighter Pilot
Glenn "Wolfman" Powers
Gordon: 2000 A.D.
Greg: "Scud Hunter" US Navy Special Forces Sniper
Hugh: USMC 26th MEU
Jack: Korean War
Jackie Chan
Jamie: SAW Gunner
Jean: Foot Grenadiers of the Guard 1812
Jennifer: Military Police 101st Airborne
Jim: USMC Force Recon
Jimmy: HK Police E.O.D. Bureau
John Steele
John Tiano: US Marine Expeditionary Unit
Josh: Desert NBC Trooper
Kevin "Screaming Eagles" Anderson: US 101st Air As
Laars: GSG9 Sniper
Lam: HK
Larry: US Army Ranger
Lieutenant Colonel Jones: Falklands War
Malcolm Parks: Coldstream Guards Guardsman
Manfred: GSG9
Mel: Royal Marines Commando
Michael Chan: G4
Michael Chan: HK
Miles Gates: Coldstream Guards Sergeant
Mitch "Moondog" Metzger: F117A Nighthawk Pilot
New Option: Michael Wong
Nigel: SAS
Onimusya: Female
Onimusya: Male
Perry: USMC Force Recon
Pete Winner: Falklands War
Phil Norman: Falklands War
R.C.U. Cheong
Ray: HK
Rick Hamilton: USMC M-240 Gunner
Rick: Navy SEAL Team 6
Robert Hughman: Falklands War
Roger: UK Royal Marine
Royal Hong Kong Police Constable
Sam: Korean War
Simon: HK Police E.O.D. Bureau
Smith: Central Intelligence Covert Force Agent
Stan: Seal Team 3 Combat Swimmer
Steve: US Navy SEAL Team 6
Straydog-Kerberos Panzer Cop
Sydney Savage: Danger Girl
Terry: US Navy SEAL Gunner
The Viral Factor: Wan Yang
Thunderbirds: Brian Bishop
Ulrich: GSG9
William: US Army EOD
Winona: NYPD Emergency Service Unit
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